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Session One (Panel): Solving data expandability issues through cloud

Session Two (Presentation): Ideation in Banking – The art of generating new ideas for products, processes and strategies  

Concurrent Tracks

Advanced Technology Track

1:30 pm Session Three-A (Panel): Innovations in business intelligence for banking

Advanced Strategy Track

1:30 pm Session Three-B (Panel) Automation Operations: Use Cases for Transformation
Session Four-A (Panel): At the Core: Strategies for addressing legacy core systems

Advanced Technology Track

Advanced Strategy Track

Session Four-B (Panel): Automation and the pursuit of efficiency: a frank discussion on cost/benefit

Afternoon Break 

Session Five: Roundtable Discussions 

Cocktail Reception 

Session Six: Fireside Chat

Session Seven (Panel): New approaches and techniques in RPA 

Session Eight (Panel): Strategies for automating real-time payment processes   

Session Nine (Presentation): Techniques for managing customer experience in digital applications